Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Keep your translations consistent in all languages

Ensure that your English translation communicates the same content as the French. By using terminology management tools when preparing glossaries, we guarantee clarity and interlingual consistency.
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Terminate Terminology Issues

When translating your technical or other documentation, handling terminology in a consistent way and making it understandable in several languages can be a pain.

The Alkemist Translation Company has developed an efficient method of ensuring uniformity in order to avoid any and all issues.
Once approved, the terminology is consistent across all the language versions of your documentation.
Go global effectively.

Request an official company glossary in three steps:

Send us a list of key technical terms used by your company/department along with reference materials (contracts, brochures, official documents)
Using the reference materials provided, we will add those terms and phrases to the documents in your preferred languages. We might need your assistance when it comes to the company's internal policies.
We send the glossary for your review and approval, after which it is used in every translation we do for your company.

What is a translation management system?

The translation management system provides automation and flexibility for professional language service providers and translation departments. It is a web-based platform with TMS-integrated translation software, accounting and quality management systems. TMS can easily be adapted to individual needs due to the configurable system, with plenty of functions and extensions available.
Since 2017, Alkemist has been using the Plunet Business Manager as the central automated translation processes management system.

Do you need a quick translation?

Translators are ready and waiting on the other side of the website, and it will only take you a minute to get them started!

Do you need a more complex service?

If your wishes are more demanding in terms of volume or content, contact us and we can discuss it.

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