Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Become an Alkemist

We are proud to be a kind of partnership super glue, as the vast majority of our linguists stick with us. Word is spreading about our team, which is why more and more experts are joining us: today, our team consists of over 1,200 linguists from all over the world, providing translation services in more than 110 languages.
If you are fluent in one or more foreign languages or are a native speaker from a foreign country, we invite you to join us! We are even more keen to hear from you if you are also professionally trained in areas such as technology and manufacturing, marketing, tourism, finance, law or similar.

We can offer you work in a great team, huge development opportunities, and comprehensive professional support.

Become a part of our team and apply now!

How much does a translator working with Alkemist earn?

A translator’s income depends on many factors, first and foremost on the language covered and current demand. Choose your primary language to see the approximate monthly income.

Do you need a quick translation?

Translators are ready and waiting on the other side of the website, and it will only take you a minute to get them started!

Do you need a more complex service?

If your wishes are more demanding in terms of volume or content, contact us and we can discuss it.

Be informed about our news
Soglasje lahko kadar koli prekličete prek povezave, ki je navedena na koncu vsakega obvestila. V primeru preklica bomo vse zbrane osebne podatke izbrisali. Za podrobnejše informacije preberite našo politiko zasebnosti.