Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Website localisation

Speak in the language of your clients

Truly global websites speak your market's language through localised text, graphics, illustrations, eBooks and videos
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Make your website global

Do you wish to operate globally? Then make sure that your clients perceive you in this light through effective translations! Localise content, graphics, illustrations, ad banners, ads, e-books, video content and apps to ensure that clients experience you in their native language on the markets where you operate.
The Alkemist Translation Company will cover all markets for you and will make sure that your clients understand the message, regardless of whether it is translated into English, German or any other language.
Give us a call. We'll give you a cost estimate.
A link to your website is enough for a rough estimate.
We can give you an initial estimate based on the web link, but we can only give you an accurate quote after receiving the source files.
Which web formats to use (and how) for web content translation
Export the content from your CMS in XLIFF, XML or Excel format. We can also connect directly to some CMSs via a plug-in and save you the export-import hassle. If you can't do any of these, we'll do it from the HTML.
You have no idea what these letters mean? Give us a call.

Web localization includes:

Translation/transcreation of web copy
Desktop publishing (DTP) and graphics
Video localization
Search engine optimization (SEO)

Do you need a quick translation?

Translators are ready and waiting on the other side of the website, and it will only take you a minute to get them started!

Do you need a more complex service?

If your wishes are more demanding in terms of volume or content, contact us and we can discuss it.

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