Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Localisation planning

When localising texts, it is often necessary to navigate skilfully between two poles. On the one hand, the original content of the text must be preserved, and understood the same across the globe, while on the other, it must be significantly adapted to fit the local context.
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Set the right level and performance indicators for localisation

Localisation planning thus involves a decision on how to balance these opposing directions and how strongly the translation rudder should be turned for an individual project. The plan should also define performance indicators against which the effectiveness of texts adapted to a specific local environment can be measured.  The Alkemist Translation Company, together with you, will prepare a plan that works.


Do you need a quick translation?

Translators are ready and waiting on the other side of the website, and it will only take you a minute to get them started!

Do you need a more complex service?

If your wishes are more demanding in terms of volume or content, contact us and we can discuss it.

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