Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj
Notarized translation

Certified quality, authenticity and accuracy

Our court interpreters provide precise and certified translations of academic certificates, birth certificates, police reports, marriage certificates, contracts, authorisations, diplomas and other documents.
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Notarized translation
Notarized translation

Translations stamped by court interpreters

Official documents such as academic certificates, birth certificates, police reports, contracts, powers of attorney, diplomas or marital reports are usually translated and verified by court interpreters to ensure authenticity and accuracy.

The Alkemist Translation Company’s court interpreters are experts in various fields, which means they fully understand the content and context of a document, therefore our expertise can help to build your international business reputation.

Our knowledge builds your international business reputation.
Get a court interpreter.

What level of translation
quality do you need?

To get the exact translation you want, the Alkemist Translation Company gives you the option to choose between different quality levels of translation:


Basic Translation is just that: we translate everything as soon as we can, without proofreading or editing. This is ideal when you need to understand the text as quickly as possible.


Professional Translation is done in three stages: first, translation is done by a specialized translator. After that, proofreading is done by a native speaker of the target language and finally, another reader is there for quality assurance. This works best for publications and specialized documents where accuracy is of crucial importance.


Transcreation is the adaption of text in the target language. It is more than a translation, as it involves rewriting the text in another language in line with the target audience and culture. This is ideal for marketing campaigns and website localisation.


Certified Translations are performed by sworn interpreters and used for certificates, diplomas and other official documents that need to be translated and stamped by a court interpreter.

Do you need a quick translation?

Translators are ready and waiting on the other side of the website, and it will only take you a minute to get them started!

Do you need a more complex service?

If your wishes are more demanding in terms of volume or content, contact us and we can discuss it.

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Soglasje lahko kadar koli prekličete prek povezave, ki je navedena na koncu vsakega obvestila. V primeru preklica bomo vse zbrane osebne podatke izbrisali. Za podrobnejše informacije preberite našo politiko zasebnosti.